Garrett Mosley
1 min readDec 30, 2023


How To Use Github Notes

I use Github Desktop, for Windows.

Most times, if I’m using a web browser though, I click on Code and go down to download for the zip file, if I just want a copy of their file to play with.

Main, is where you upload files from.

Settings, gives collaborators access or not.

This video is where most of these notes were taken from.

It seems like Github has changed a little bit and even has a tutorial so might be more intuitive.

Git comes with Mac and Lennox.

Git bash is what Windows users need to download. I don’t use it.

Git is like a memory card. It’s locally stored on your computer.

Git hub is the cloud.

He goes in to some helpful terminal commands.

Repository is a new project.

You have your commits, and then you push it to the site.

The main branch is the one the owner is doing. Anyone can branch out to do their own version.

pull request to propose and collaborate on changes to a repository, by adding a branch.

Each time you save it’s a new branch.

Pushing to the master is when you merge new changes from a branch into the master file.

Hopefully, the repository owners and collaborators on it are paying attention to the changes.

push is when you push out changes from your computer to the cloud.

Pull is when you bring down changes from the cloud.

Green squares mean people are active; but not necessarily useful. “Cloud chasers”

