Garrett Mosley
1 min readFeb 2, 2023



Sorry for the corny joke title. After reading and studying about programming for several months now, I was surprised to hear little to no talk about web assembly language (wasm) until yesterday. Here’s a few rough notes (really a links list) of interesting articles and pages on the topic. I’m uploading just because I imagine it might save someone else time of gathering articles for their research.

Official documentation, and faq stuff I think.

Introductory examples of code and uses.

Articles that are dense, edge based perhaps?

100 second explanation by Fireship

Compelling cases for using web assembly language Medium article.

This is the Drubal firm, based in Toronto, responsible for the article.

Porting article for Windows Calculater

Simple quick app tutorial. Very simple.

Release process book for contributing

YouTube video (27 min) of a guy and gal explaining why and using wasm. (Oh whoops. This might not work. Google is doing some kind of dumb thing now of playing a video without going to YouTube itself.)

