WalMart, Let Instacart Handle Delivery

Garrett Mosley
2 min readMar 23, 2023

I don’t work for InstaCart and wasn’t paid to write this.

WalMart grocery delivery is very inaccurate, and probably costs the company much more than it brings in, if our delivery experience is anything like other customers. From what I can tell at least half the time they send someone else’s order. That means everything (two orders at least) gets wasted AND refunded. Even if you’re profit margins were 20% it doesn’t take many of those mistakes to lose money. This practically never happens with Instacart. If I were Walmart I’d outsource this task to them. It’s a whole lot better service, replacements, and you feel more in control of the replacements you do get. It’s just an overall better experience. Don’t believe me and take a survey of your customers.

I’ve never heard anyone complain about there being too many cashiers available at Walmart, or more than enough employees about to answer questions. I have heard the opposite complaints though. The people being used to collect groceries wrong could man the cash registers instead, and you’d be better off that way too.

A Side Note To The Common Man

While we’re talking, you people stealing from Walmart and places need to get a job and get a life. It’s terrible when shampoo has to be kept behind a glass door. You’re just making prices go up on everything else, and less money to hire people with. If McDonalds and places are paying $14 or more, don’t say you can’t make a living. If you think you deserve everything given to you your crazy. Life doesn’t work that way.

I don’t think you’re happy stealing. At least I hope not or we’re a whole lot worse off than I thought and I need to look for another country. Rant over.

